Upcoming projects

Disconnect & Reconnect

Training Course on impact of digital devices and social media on our life. 

Each participant will be taught and given tools to embrace yoga into their daily life. The facilitators will aim to make this an experience, from which you can take a big part home with you. We will teach you the basics of meditation si that you can incorporate it into your life. We will also discuss the topic of how social media and digital devices are impacting our mental well-being. More info >>



Training course on body movement practices inspired by Somatics principles, Contact Improvisation and Performance art.

“Everything that is alive is revealed to man through movement. Everything that is alive is revealed in forms. So every form is movement and every movement visible in the form […]. The purpose of every creative process can be only one: the purpose that makes man a better man, that arms him, that makes him capable of facing the problems of life from the physical, mental and spiritual point of view. ” – Johannes Itten  More info >>



Derniéra je hra pro devět hráčů odehrávající se v roce 1981 v brněnském Divadle. Skupina herců, zaměstnanců divadla a nejbližší rodina se setkají na rozloučení s jejich zesnulým kolegou, hercem Karlem Dohnalem, disidentem. Kvůli perzekuci režimu se z něho stal opilec. Všichni se schází v Divadle u menšího posezení a uctění památku Karla Dohnala. Při tomto smutečním posezení se začnou na světlo světa dostávat různé tryzny, traumata a vzpomínky na minulost. Více info>>


Mezinárodní cena vévody z Ediburgu 

Časově neomezená
Je ti mezi 13 a 24 roky? Chceš se zapojit do něčeho smysluplného, co ti dovolí růst ve věcech, které máš rád? Stojíš o to setkat se s novými lidmi jak z Čech, tak ze zahraničí? V tom případě je DOFE pro tebe! Více info >>


Seeing Beyond

Youth Exchange on Mindful Photography
“When times are tough, it makes sense to do what brings us joy, to find meaning in the everyday and build immunity against despair. Noticing the beauty of the world around us and finding creative ways to deepen and share our gratitude for the people and places we love is not frivolity. It is one of the most assured ways in which we can stay optimistic and well-resourced in the face of challenge.” – Sophie Howarth, The Mindful Photographer. More info >>


Training Course on development of intuition through following methods: Systemic work, Nature, Meditation, Mindfulness. “I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.” – Albert Einstein   More info >>


Youth Exchange about well-being through embodied movement. 

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Chakras | KA2

Partnership cooperation project focused on increasing the well being of youth through the creation and promotion of a self care app created from international experiences and non-formal education. More info >>