‘Where to hide wisdom so humans cannot find it?’ asked the gods and their answer was: 
‘Let’s hide it to the human heart. They will never search there.’
Based on a Hinduist legend

INspire is an NGO whose formation started in 2018 and whose definite completion came about in 2019. It was formed around people sharing different sets of skills but the same vision: to create a world which works for everyone.

We believe that we must go by example to the others, to inspire them to become a change they would like to see in the world. In order to do it, we are using the methods of non-formal education. Unlike formal education which already knows the right answers, non-formal education doesn’t know them; it only creates a context in which everybody can learn what they need to learn. INspire creates the context for learning with the focus on the diversity of perspectives – we inspire people to look at things from different points of view.

We believe that wisdom lies inside of humans. That’s why we encourage people to explore their inner selves and look for inspiration within their own hearts (therefore IN-spire). We believe this way they can become an inspiration for others.

We are organizing, promoting, facilitating and implementing local and international educational programs using non-formal education for personal, social and professional development of groups and individuals. 

INspire Core Team

marketa bartonickova

Markéta Šugarová

Marketing Specialist

As a freelance marketing specialist, I teach online marketing, design marketing strategies, invent campaigns, take care of online marketing performance channels, create content for websites and social networks.
And travel. I travel a lot.

vojta zak

Vojtěch Žák


Artist, storyteller, facilitator, and dreamer. Doing what I am doing because it is fun (and the position of the world-dictator was already taken). I am coordinating most of the local and international projects,
partnerships, and cooperation.

+420 775 636 658

Kateřina Řmotová

Event Manager & Partnering Projects

Life loving human being open for any new adventure, involved in many fields which contains different topics. I am coordinating our projects, taking care about communication with our partners, and grounding myself in position of facilitator and junior trainer.

Rebeka Hrubšová

Photographer & Jack of All Trades

As a divergent thinker, I’m interested in pretty much everything. Yet, I found myself most at home in the fields of photography, theatre, and roleplay as such. I take care of small things here and there and they are mostly connected to these three fields – be it event documentation, posting on social media or creating a bunch of characters for a LARP.


Pool of Experts

Gabriel Vivas-Martínez


Actor, educator, and researcher. As a practitioner and activist, I am interested in how socially-engaged theatre making can advance the potential for social change. I use Theatre-Voice-Body Expression methods for working with young people directly, including young people with disabilities, young migrants and refugees, Roma community, and LGBTIQ+ young people.


Szilárd Marton


Facilitator, program designer and L&D professional.  An outdoor trainer & soft-skill process facilitator at Outward Bound (OB Romania since 2019 & OB Netherlands since 2020), enabling learning through nature in the frame of these organizations. I have been active in non-formal education and adventure education since 2013, using his communication & facilitation skills to create a dynamic, safe and challenging learning environment for his target group: youth & adult groups, eager to grow. I am active in the business world and the non-formal educational world alike, my programs aim to stretch the horizon of the participants taking into consideration their learning curve, and using the power of the group. My vision is sustainable communication, cooperation & learning through creating perspective as facilitators and, all together as human beings. I work mainly in a group setting, working with behavior, behavioral patterns and state management.



Remus Iosifescu

Junior Trainer

A dreamer, a lover of humans, and a creator of opportunities for youth and young adults like myself. After being reborn from the ashes of my past, I adopted the facilitation of personal development programmes as my duty to the world.
