GAME: Dreamjob

Get an insight on your life vision.

Prep. time: flipchart with rules
Playing time: 1 hour
Number of players: ideally… up to 30


  1. Draw/write down your dream job. Get crazy. Reality is not the limit. The important thing is you would really like to have this type of job. Think also what would your private life look like. Would you have a family? Would you be traveling? How many hours per week would you be working? What would be your hobbies?
  2. Name the emotion the dream job is creating in you. 
  3. Name the job.
  4. Mingle and create a groups with people who have similar dreams like you. Group is min. 2, max 6 people.
  5. Put your dream jobs together and create a new one. 
  6. Name the new dream job position.
  7. Create a description off the position including the responsibilities (duties, working hours, etc.), necessary competencies (skills, education, etc.), and rewards (salary, benefits, etc.)
  8. Get ready for reading the job advertisement in front of other people. 


  1. Feelings. How was it for you? 
  2. What happened. How was it to be an HR specialist (the one who is hiring worker)? How was it to a candidate?
  3. Take-away. What does your dream job says about a work you would like to have in the future?


  • After presenting of the job advertisement, facilitators invite 2 people from other groups who would like to apply for the job. 
  • The groups are simulating the job interviews, and deciding who would be selected. 
  • All interviews are happening in the same time, should take around 5 min per person. 
  • In the end, teams are announcing who had been selected for the position.