An opportunity to share peer-to-peer our knowledge on how to live in outdoor
- Walk through the space and find an answers on – 15 minutes
- where will I be drying my towel
- where will I be drying my socks/shoes
- what else do I need for my comfort
- I need 2 representatives for following stations – 30 min
One representative facilitate discussion, second is preparing a flipchart
Need 5 flipchart papers + markers- First aid – what I need to know
- Wet clothes – how do I dry stuff
- Cold in night – how do I keep myself warm in tent
- Preparing fire – how to prepare fire and keep it safe
- Tips & trick – anything else what can be useful
- Presentation – every representative have 5 minutes to present
- Adjustment of space – participants are creating physical spaces to answer their needs – 30 min