KA2 project “Chakras“
Number: 2022-3-CZ01-KA210-YOU-000097244
Co-funded by Erasmus+.
To increase the well being of youth through the creation and promotion of a self care app created from international experiences and non-formal education.
in human language:
We are going to create and disseminate a self-care app using non-formal education approach.
Definition and completion of an international survey on the needs of young people between 13-30 years old related to their well-being & the impact of digitalisation.
The description of specific non-formal education methods consolidated by 4 partner organizations from Italy, Czech Republic, Greece & Romania, to be used to support young people to achieve selfcare.
The digitalisation of the methods identified, through the creation of beta-version of an online app. The app has the structure of an accessible digital toolkit (app) in which young people can rely on for the development of mindful, selfcare practices which will help them tackle the stress & anxiety in their everyday lives.
The creation of the final version based on the beta testing.
The promotion & long-term sustainability of the app, through the creation of a digital community where young people have the opportunity to support each other to face challenges in their lives & share their reflections.
Objectives in human language:
Online survey on needs
Identifying of methods to raise well-being
Creation of beta-version of App and its testing
Finalisation of App
Spreading of App
Progress report
- Vojtěch Žák, Rebeka Hrubšová (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Giacomo Riccucci (YOUth Connect)
- To meet each other in person to consolidate the team;
- To read, to evaluate and to define the final IPA (internal partnership agreement);
- To adjust the distribution of the budget;
- Confirm the timeline of the project and the responsibilities;
- To create a survey to collect information for the booklet creation.
- To define the next Steps.
The kick-off meeting started with an introduction of the participants to introduce themselves and the organization who are representing, their role in the organization and they future role in following project.
The initial analysis of the project was done through the Circle of Creativity in which six steps of the tool were discussed: Reality, Vision, Goal, Objectives, Plan, Action.
IPA -> all the representatives confirm that the IPA presented during the kick-off meeting is compliant to their requests and expectations.
All the organization evaluated the previous budget plan. Respect to the baseline presented by the coordinator a few changes where voted, so, according to every representative was deliberate to modify the budget for the following activities:
- A3.1 -> 400 € will be allocated to YOUth Connect for the Analysis of the survey.
- A3.3 -> 400 € will be allocated to INspire to create the Booklet.
- A4.2/4 -> 3915 € will be allocated to INspire to Design the app, this amount of money will be re-allocated in case the development of the App will require extra-costs.
- A4.2/4 -> 10000 € will be allocated to iEL to Develop the App
- The activity in Italy is delated because not relevant for the result of the project.
- A5.2 -> 2568 € are allocated to YOUth Connect to make 3 webinars to promote the app.
Future changes according to every partner.
The timeline based on GANTT presented by the coordinator was approved.
The responsibilities were presented and confirmed by the consortium:
INspire -> management of the project – coordination, time keeper
Hopeland -> Dissemination – plan of the dissemination and creation of content to share in the different communication channel
Innovation Education Lab -> App development – monitoring the app creation and direct contact with the developer
YOUth Connect -> Monitoring, evaluation – organization of monthly meeting, check the situation of the team and which task are completed.
A survey draft was created to collect feedback for the final survey. The following poin were taken in consideration:
- Description of the young people
- Challenges they are facing (Many Inputs, Missing Mentors, Find Balance, Many resourses, Lack/not aware of support system, Lack of Dreams and Idealization, Short attention span, Lack of Body awareness, Materialism, Many escape strategies)
- Needs they have (Acceptance, true connections, Heroes, Consistency, Long-term goal, Self-expression, Ownership, Accountability, Responsibility, Autenticity)
35 young people were involved allowing a more accurate design of the form. It will be divided in 7 main sections + 1 for future collaboration: General information, Description of the present state of well-bein, Analysis of the needs, Evaluation of the struggles, The use of a Personal Development App, Evaluation of Personal Development App, The advantages of a Personal Development App. The goal is to achieve 300 young people between 13 – 30 years old and collect information to design activities to add to the booklet.
The following channel/means were defined for the dissemination of the survey:
- Whatsapp,
- Slack,
- Telegram,
- Fb,
- IG,
- Discord,
- Online meetings,
- Projects,
- Local activites,
- Volunteering teams,
- Friends (word of mouth),
- QR code
6. Next steps!!!
- INspire (Vojta)-> Design of Survey – deadline 18th July
- INspire (Rebeka)-> Proofreading survey – deadline 25th July
- Hopeland -> Deliver a dissemination plan – deadline 20th July
- Education Innovation Lab
- YOUth Connect -> write report for the kick- off meeting – deadline 16th July
- ALL -> read the created survey and collect comments to share – deadline 18th July
Sign the IPA – deadline 18th July
Next appointment -> 18th July, 14:00 CET -> meeting online (an email will be sent)
Date: 18.07.2023 – 14:00
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Google Meet
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Giacomo Riccucci (YOUth Connect)
- Introduction;
- To evaluate the survey’s design;
- To evaluate the survey’s content;
- To explain the proposal of the dissemination plan;
- To decide the signing process of the IPA;
- Evaluation;
- To define the next steps.
1) The introduction at the kick-off meeting was led by Vojta with the scope of aligning ourselves to the meeting.
2) All the participants of the meeting agreed to maintain the new design created by INspire. The survey will be promoted with the current design. The name of the project was added to the initial description of the survey to raise awareness on the project.
3) The contents developed and tested during the kick-off meeting were accepted by every partner after evaluation that happened in the days between the meeting in Brno and the current meeting. The survey will be promoted at the beginning of August with the goal to get 300 answers.
4) Hopeland shared the dissemination strategy and the file that they wrote to make every step clear and transparent to the whole team. The explanation was especially focused on:
- Section 2.1 Project Scope & Objectives – description of the project
- Section 3.2 Target group – which target group we are going to involve in the dissemination process.
- Section 3.4 KPI – through these indicators we will be able to evaluate the dissemination process and its quality.
- Section 4.1 Visual Material, logos of the organizations and project logos – in this paragraph all the visual material is accessible for the potential use.
- Section 5 Dissemination Reporting – to trace the dissemination activities.
- Quality check – a list of criteria to check to be aware about the quality of the materials the consortium will share during the project.
To conclude the Dissemination topic, a template to monitor the dissemination process was presented (Dissemination Report template) and explained. This file will used by the dissemination manger to monitor the process and the results achieved every month. At the same time, every partner will use the file to summarize the inner process details: channels in use, dates, target audience type, estimation of the people reached and links.
5) IPA – The document was further adjusted, and the partners agreed to sign it after to have evaluated It again.
6) Before the end of the meeting an evaluation was done about the meeting and the work carried out until now. The results showed a full satisfaction of the participants about:
- Clear and transparent communication;
- Quality of the job done;
- Clarity of the next steps;
- Quality of management.
None shared difficulties to carry out previous tasks and to implement new one.
7) Next steps!!
- INspire (Rebeka)-> Review survey – deadline 25th July
- INspire (Vojta)-> Create a check list for the survey promotion – deadline 25th July
- All -> Start the promotion of the survey – 1st August
- All -> Feedback about the dissemination and the results achieved until now – deadline 14th August
- All -> check IPA and sign it
- All -> read and collect feedback / comments about the dissemination strategy file – deadline 28th August
Next appointment -> 28th August, 14:00 CET -> meeting online
Date: 28.08.2023 – 14:00
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Google Meet
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Giacomo Riccucci, Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
- Evaluation of survey progress
- Action plan for survey promotion
- Dissemination strategy review
- Local activities plan (Activity 3.2)
- Evaluation
- Next Steps
- The team evaluated the progress of the promotion of the survey, the evaluation took in consideration the number of the answers we got. Until the 28th of August we got 148 answers. Following the planned timeline, we need more answers to start the analysis of the collected data. The problem the team faced was connected to finding people committed to fill the form, this shared obstacle was noticed by everyone. Another point was connected to find teenagers and people who are attending the secondary school available for the filling of the survey, as the majority of the answers are sent by people between 18 and 30 years old.
- To make the promotion more efficient, the team found some steps to go along with. Since the best tested method results to be talking directly with people – both in person and via messages – all the members of the team will follow this way to spread the survey more. Then, the Italian team is committed to promote it more during the projects in September; the Greek team suggested to translate the survey in the own language to have a wider amount of people as target group; Romanian team confirm the possibility to spread it with some high school students; Czech team will share it with some organizations/teachers with which they are collaborating.
- The dissemination strategy was read and evaluated from every member of the team, all the critical points were connected to the kpi and how to measure the success of the promotion. After a brief discussion, everyone agreed with the initial suggestion of the Greek team, so we are going to maintain the original plan. About the booklet, we are going to create one of it in English with different chapters based on the topics on which each organisation focuses.
Soon, a new approach on how to collect the information of the post will be presented by the Greek team to make everything clearer. - The local activities will be implemented in the next months according to the needs of the young people and on the specific competences of the organization. During the activities the facilitators will collect materials (photos, videos, ….) and will create some posts on social media as dissemination. The evaluation of local activities will be done by each organisation according to their specific techniques and approaches.
- Before the end of the meeting an evaluation was done about the meeting and the work carried out until now. The results showed:
- Clear and transparent communication;
- Clarity of the next steps;
- Quality of management;
- Almost every group faced some problems with the survey, especially connecting to the involvement of teenagers
Despite the difficulties the meeting was useful to give some suggestions on how to improve our approach.
Next Steps:
- INspire (Vojta)-> Creates a checklist for the survey promotion – deadline 25th July
- Hopeland and YOUth Connect (Veronica and Giacomo) -> Check all documents
- Hopeland (Veronica) -> Presents a new approach to collect the post we are going to share -> deadline 5th of September
- Everyone -> Continue the promotion of the survey – deadline 30th of September
- Everyone -> Feedback about the dissemination and the results achieved until now – deadline 14th of September
- Next meeting -> 21th of September, 14:00 CET -> meeting online
Date: 21.09.2023 – 14:00 CETT
ime: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Google Meet
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
- Evaluation of survey progress
- Return of a first data analysis about the survey and future steps
- Preparation for local workshops
- Booklet status
- Evaluation
- Next Steps
1) The team evaluated the progress of the promotion of the survey, the evaluation took in consideration the number of the answers we got. Until the 21th of September we got 203 answers (25.7% from Italy, 23.8% from Romania, 15.9% from Greece and 15.9% from the Czech Republic). The partners shared where and how the survey was promoted. Inspire shared that the survey was published among scout groups and schools, while Hopeland sent a newsletter to partner organisations and shared the survey on Facebook groups. YOUth Connect shared that they are waiting for a confirmation of participation in the survey from a local school, which will happen the following week. Partners agreed to keep the survey open till 30th October.
2) YOUth Connect shared with the partner a Power Point presentation containing the draft of the survey results. From the draft, it seems that the major needs of young people are connected to communication, stress management and asking for help. Agreements follow concerning the evaluation of the survey and the infographics: YOUth Connect will collect and analyse the data, sending the organised data and texts to Hopeland. Hopeland will realise the final infographic. INspire shares a brainstorming about areas for the collection of the data. The brainstorming is agreed by the partnership. The final infographic of the survey will contain: Basic cakes diagram + a summary for each category + a conclusion “Basing on the needs, we can see this and that”.
Timeline: October -> collection of the final data; November -> analysis of the data; December -> realisation of the infographic.
3) Each partner shares the topic on which they are willing to focus local workshops. INspire: inner child; Innovtion Education Lab: stress management, mindfulness; Hopeland: self-connection and body expression; YOUth Connect: communication. The final workshop will be dedicated to the evaluation of the workshops. Workshops will be implemented by partners in October and November.
4) INspire shared the folder in which the partner will upload the material related to their local activities, and the file on which the partners will work for structuring the booklet. Each partner is invited to associate their activities to one chakra, and chapters will be numbered accordingly. The deadline for the writing of the booklet is 31th December. The partners agree that a person in charge of proof reading will be hired from outside the partnership.
5) Before the end of the meeting an evaluation was done about the meeting and the work carried out until now. The results showed:
- the effectiveness of the meeting
- the clear and transparent communication, and the reliability of the partnership;
- the clarity of the next steps;
- the quality of management;
- that almost every partner faced obstacles with the promotion of the survey, due to low responses from the target group.
6) Next Steps and deadlines:
Everyone -> Working on the workshops
Everyone -> Working on the booklet
Everyone -> Promotion of the survey – deadline 30th October
YOUth Connect -> Analysis of the results of the survey – deadline 30th November
Hopeland -> Completion of the infographic – deadline 30th December
Everyone -> Completion of the booklet – deadline 30th December
Next meeting -> 3Oth October, 14.00 CET -> meeting online
Date: 30.10.2023 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
- Survey progress
- Return of a first data analysis about the survey and future steps
- Local Activities for the booklet
- First design of the application
- Evaluation
- Next Steps
1) The survey reached more than 1000 people through different channels: such as Facebook, Instagram, Slack, Discord, LinkedIn, during in presence events and in online meetings. In total we reached more than 20 different countries especially in Europe. We were able to collect more than 200 answers on which we will base the activities we are going to create for the final results.
The survey is closed by Inspire on the 30th October. Inspire will create a separate survey to be shared to young people who are willing to fill the survey after the 30th November.
Starting from this point, YOUth Connect will be in charge of analysing the results, sharing them to the referent of the dissemination, who will create an infographic based on the data.
2) Based on the first overview of the results proposed during the previous project manager meeting, local activities started to be set and implemented in Romania by Innovation Education Lab, in occasion to the Erasmus days, and in Greece by Hopeland, in occasion to the Mental Health Day. The activities organised YOUth Connect will take place in November, in cooperation with a local high school.
For the online promotion of the local activities, the remind is to add the mention “Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of European Union” and the tag of partner organisations. If partner organisations wants, they are welcome to re-share the posts.
3) Inspire shares a template to follow to collect all the necessary details to describe the activities in order to make the description specific.
4) The meeting touched the topic of the realisation of the app. The team discussed how to approach this step. Innovation and Education Lab takes the lead to create in December a potential structure for the app. The structure will be discussed by the whole team in January.
In January-February, the meetings for the development of the content of the app will be implemented; during the meetings, the app will be planned following a design thinking approach. The meetings will be implemented every Monday 2-4pm CET, starting from 8th January.
5) After a inner evaluation about the trend of the project the following point are mentioned:
- The project manager team agrees to work with a high level of communication in terms of velocity, clearness and transparency.
- The project is going smooth without any unknown in the its first part.
- The satisfaction about the tasks achieved is very high as much as the involvement of the people at this step.
- The starting of the implementation of the local activities is slow, but well organized.
6) Next Steps and deadlines:
Innovation and Education Lab -> Working and producing the frame of the app – deadline 31th December
YOUth Connect -> Analysis of the results of the survey – deadline 30th November
Hopeland -> Completion of the infographic – deadline 31th December
Everyone -> Writing of the booklet – deadline 31th December
Date: 14.12.2023 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
- Local actions
- reports
- attendance sheets
- local activities descriptions for booklet
- conclusions from our local activities
- Survey
- conclusions from it
- status of infographics
- Our first online meeting for the preparation of the application
- 2nd payment
- Evaluation
- Next Steps
The meeting started with the presentation of the document where reports of the local activities need to be written. INspire showed how the document is organized. The report contains the main details useful for the summarising the implemented activities. The required details are the following:
Activity number
Name of activity:
Date of activity:
Target group:
No. of participants:
Social links :
Content description:
Conclusion from Evaluation
Furthermore, it was requested to upload the attendance sheet to witness the presence of the participants.
Another discussed point was connected to the booklet and the collection of the activities. Everyone agrees that it would be important to have the description of the activities in a short period of time, in order to support the creation of the booklet. For the description of the activities in the booklet, we agreed to follow the scheme used for “the inner child” activities. Once created, the booklet will be sent to proofreading to check it.
Each project manager agreed to open the PDF file of the booklet in the drive and put feedback and comments directly in it, in order to collect the comments in a single place.
The following first insights are based to the local activities implemented by each organization:
INNOVATION EDUCATION LAB: Working on emotional intelligence, stress management, physical wellbeing and nutrition and building healthy relationships. Enlightening as a keyword, based the success of the workshops.
YOUth Connect: Working with schools was inspirational. There was a request from the teachers to implement this activity addressed to teachers too, which we agreed would be useful. Insight for the app: how can we do it online at home? In the app, we might add feelings/needs cards, or short tasks that lead young people to open conversations.
HOPELAND: Working on mindfulness. The activities were structured as simple tasks combined with theoretical insights. Insight for the app: keeping the task of the exercise simple, to enhance the integration in daily life; also, it is important to consider the need of young people to cooperate and work together.
INspire: Working on the topic of inner child, focusing on the recognition inner child VS inner critics in daily life; also, it was covered the topic of emotions and how we are experiencing them. It emerged how it is difficult to implement these activities on a daily basis.
Insight for the App → providing tools to do things on a regular basis.
A PDF was created to present the survey. Everyone agrees to open the PDF, proofread the text and put comments directly on the PDF on the Drive. Around March, we will create another version of the survey to complete the promised number of answers. The idea is to update the survey by expanding the content areas that highlighted major results in the previous version of the survey. Moreover, it was shared the idea to ask for feedbacks related to the app in the survey (e.g. “We are doing this… do you see other options…”). In case we have the chance to collect more answers, Inspire opened a Comparative Survey, uploaded on the Drive.
On the 8th January (2-4PM CET) partners will participate in the first App design meeting. Before the meeting, a list of tasks will be accomplished by each partner (at the end o f the report you can find the links to do the following tasks):
- Fill the Empathy map focusing on your national target group. Think about people from local workshops and/or check the national results of the survey.
- Fill in the challenges and needs of your target group
- Fill it in with 5 ideas for a prototype.
The idea is to have, after the first meeting, a basic idea on how the application will look like. For now, the following ideas emerged for the app: a) it may be a website that can be opened as an app; b) it may contain an open chat where to share resources (this part would specifically meet the needs of the community).
Each partner agrees to note down the working hours related to the App design meetings.
YOUth Connect will prepare the evaluation for the App design meetings.
The second payment for each partner of the consortium was sent by the applicant organization, every PM confirmed that the partner organization received the correct amount.
From the evaluation the following points were noted:
- All the partners confirm a maximum level of efficiency in the project;
- All the partners show a high satisfaction related to the accomplishment of the tasks in between the last meeting and the actual meeting; it was shared the satisfaction related to the results of the local activities, as well as the satisfaction on the clarity of the tasks.
- The communication among the member of the team is clear and fast and appreciated by everyone;
- Partner organisations are noticing the first results of the project thanks to the implementation of the local activities.
Next Steps:
- Check the booklet design draft
- Fill the booklet with activities
- deadline 31/12/20223
- Proofread the Survey PDF
- Get prepared for the first App design meeting:
- 1. Fill the Empathy map https://assets.uxbooth.com/uploads/2018/06/empathy-map-canvas.png
- 2. Fill in the challenges and needs of your target group. Fill it in Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNCrajG4=/
- 3. FIll in Miro 5 ideas for prototype. Remember, it is a brainstorming. https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNCrajG4=/
- deadline 8/1/2024
- -> Fill the report on national activities. deadline 31/1/2024
Next Meeting -> on 8/1/2024, at 14:00 CET.
Date: 28.02.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Benedetta Ghiara (YOUth Connect)
1) App-development:
- Updates from the IT expert
- Experiences: feedback and editing
2) Booklet: Dissemination
The meeting started with Andreea sharing the actions the IT expert is working on and informing the consortium that the first payment has been made. She asked Vojta to arrange a further meeting with the IT expert. She asked for feedback on the proposed app landing page created by the IT expert and shared on Slack.
Vojta made himself available to meet with the IT expert according to his needs. He expressed the need to be constantly updated on the app development progress and whether everything is going as planned. He informed the consortium that his request to be updated by the IT expert when he started, was not fulfilled and therefore asks that this be respected in the future. It was also requested that the IT expert inform him of the activities he is carrying out according to the Gantt. On Monday he will check with Andreea on these aspects.
Feedback was then given on the landing page: the whole consortium agreed that some parts were appreciated and others less so. It was suggested to use hopelandtree or Hope direction as a physical representation on the landing page.
The meeting followed with the evaluation of the experiences feedback process:
- Veronica didn’t go through the feedback. Overall directions are more homogeneous and clear. She expressed concerns about the time specifications, particularly the three-day issue, suggesting that since the activities are different and some need different times, this could confuse the users.
- Andreea agrees with Veronica and thinks that there is now indeed a flow between the different experiences, she feels that some are more challenging and others more about personal development, and believes that it is consistent with what was intended. On the issue of timing, he suggests inserting a pop-up message indicating the activities for which there needs to be a repetition of the task for three days.
- Benedetta agrees with what was reported by Andreea and Veronica. She supports Andreea’s proposal regarding the pop-up message. She also asks for clarification on the issue of cheat days, as she has found this reported several times in the feedback. She expresses her initial difficulties in carrying on a work started by another person and the great usefulness she found in the feedback.
- Vojta expresses great satisfaction with the work carried out by the consortium and shares his thoughts on the uniqueness of the app we are creating. The uniqueness of the app lies in the fact that it functions as a reminder and in the notification of activities, which, however, are not carried out virtually, unlike the apps on mental health available so far. Therefore, it does not encourage digital dependency and does not increase screen time. He reports that the total number of experiences that will be included in the app will be 40 and that probably during the editorial part, the repetition of some experiences will be noticed, so there may be a need to introduce new ones.
The consortium subsequently discussed how to proceed with the work. It was decided that each organization will modify the experiences based on feedback by March 10th. From that date, there will be an editor, a task assigned to Vojta, who will be responsible for the final editing of all the experiences. Vojta expressed the possibility that an additional online meeting may be necessary to further discuss the experiences.
In conclusion, the dissemination of the Booklet was discussed. Veronica has prepared the templates and the text for the posts, and it was agreed to publish them on Friday, March 1st. Vojta has requested the consortium to also spread it through the newsletters of the partner organizations and/or within the networks the organizations are part of till the 10th of March. All participants have approved. Vojta will send an email to finalize this action. He also requests to be informed about the organizations that will be reached.
Overall, the consortium is satisfied with the full process, and confident about the realisation of a qualitative and inspiring app.
- 1st March: Dissemination of the Booklet through Social Network
- 10th March: Dissemination of the Booklet within the Networks
- 10th March: Editing of the experiences according to the feedback.
NEXT MEETING: 8th APRIL – 14.00-16.00 CET
Date: 08.04.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 14:30
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Giacommo Riccucci (YOUth Connect)
- Update on development of the App
- Preparation for youth workers activity in Greece
- Brainstorming of dissemination of the App for betatesting
- Q&A
- Evaluation & Agreement on the next meeting
- Vojta (INspire) to prepare a guide for dissemination of the App for betatesting
- Veronica (Hopeland) to prepare a plan for youth workers activity in Greece. To be presented on the next managers meeting. She is to cooperate on it with YOUth Connect which is responsible for the webinars.
- Vojta (INspire) to create and share a timsheets for reporting working hours of youth workers on development of the App
- 22/4/2024 – begining of betatesting
- 7/5/2024 – next managers meeting
Evaluation of Managers-meeting-2024-04-08>>
Date: 07.05.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Benedetta Ghiara (YOUth Connect)
- App-development: Beta-testing of the app
- Training course: Mobility in Greece
1. App development
- The team evaluated the beta-testing process of the app within the organisation. The beta-testing process revealed a number of bugs, particularly in relation to the notification system, which is not functional for testers. There were also issues with the accessibility of journaling, the scoring system and the need to include a chart showing statistics on the level of well-being. The need for more clarity in relation to the description of the app’s use was highlighted, as was the difficulty in implementing it and finding the most effective method.
- It was requested that the feedback phase be concluded as soon as possible so that the reworking of the app can proceed.
- Some activities in the app will also be removed to address concerns that have been raised.
- INspire will have a call with the IT expert tomorrow, where they will further discuss the feedback received on the beta version of the app. So far, the IT expert has been optimistic about it.
- The app has been positively received by Hopeland, YOUth Connect, and Innovation Education Lab, but INspire has indicated that further development is required to address outstanding issues and challenges.
- INspire expressed concern about the payment structure for the IT expert, particularly in relation to the additional work required to improve the beta version of the app and fix bugs. Innovation Education Lab will contact the IT expert to request further clarification on the cost of the extra work.
- The consortium then reviewed the GANNT shared by INspire and determined that the beta testing phase of the app by the public will start in June and conclude in July. This will allow for further reworking of the app to be completed in August and September, to have it ready by the end of September.
2. Mobility Greece
- The team then proceeded to discuss the mobility that will take place in Greece. Veronica informed the consortium that she had an internal conversation with Giacomo to discuss the preparation of the mobility. She set the dates of the training course as 10/11 October to 15/16 October, clarifying that these are the only dates on which Hopeland is available. The mobility will therefore include two days of travel and four days of activities. The consortium approved the plan.
- Twenty participants will be selected, with preference given to staff members from the organisations and internal youth workers.
- It was therefore decided that the promotion will begin in July, initially with a check within the organisation and subsequently with a public call if necessary.
- The consortium did not fully agree on dedicating the last day of the training course to the preparation of webinars. INspire expressed its scepticism regarding this due to the short duration of the training course and the desire to pass on the knowledge that has been accumulated throughout the project. The consortium also discussed the theme of methodology, reaching an agreement that the methodology to be used will be decided by the trainer. It was also highlighted that the ultimate goal of the mobility is to be able to disseminate the app, and that we need participants to be extra excited and motivated. Innovation Education Lab has proposed opening the call to participants of the Youth Exchange that has already been conducted on chakras, in order to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the topics to be worked on.
- It was also expressed the need to create a well-structured infoletter containing all the information that the participants need to have, complete with attractive graphics.
- The consortium agreed to continue the discussion on Slack. Veronica will provide more information about the proposal and its structure by 27 May, and the consortium will be able to provide feedback.
From the evaluation the following points were noted:
- Meeting Efficiency: The meeting was perceived as efficiently managed with a generally positive reception.
- Time Management Satisfaction: Overall, the meeting was well-structured and efficiently run. However, there may be room for slight improvement in certain areas.
- Communication and Participation: The communication between team members was identified as an effective and appreciated aspect of the process.
- App Testing Process: The evaluation revealed a moderate level of satisfaction with the app testing process. There is a noted need for more comprehensive feedback and greater engagement.
- Involvement in App Testing: Similarly, the level of involvement in the app testing process was rated at an average of 3.8 out of 5. This rating, paralleling the satisfaction score, suggests adequate but not optimal involvement. Feedback indicated that more active participation and comprehensive reporting are required to enhance the testing outcomes.
- Feedback and Collaboration: Overall, feedback was positive. However, some concerns were voiced regarding the energy and collaboration levels within the team.
- 27th May: Mobility proposal and it’s structure
- 7th June: Feedback
- From 7th June: Process of developing the infoletter
NEXT MEETING: 12th June – 14.00-15.00 CET
Date: 12.06.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:15
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
- Agreement on the domain to be used for the app.
- Strategy for the beta testing and form to be used to collect feedback on the app.
- Program of the mobility.
- Structure of the webinars.
- Launch of the mobility.
- The meeting started with a discussion on the domain to be used for the app. The consortium agreed to use a subdomain of INspire: hope.czechinspire.eu.
- Following, the strategy for the beta testing was discussed. INspire shared a document to be used as a guideline for the beta testing, that contains roles and tasks. The strategy was agreed by the consortium. Together with the strategy, the form that will be proposed to the participants of the beta testing was presented. A number of feedback were shared by YOUth Connect and Hopeland, and the feedback form was edited accordingly. Feedback was mainly focused on the need of highlighting the long-term sustainability of the app.
It was agreed that on Monday 17th June the beta-testing of the app will start, being planned for 2 months. The following tasks are agreed:
-Every partner needs to collect at least 40 feedbacks
–INspire will send a newsletter
-Hopeland will provide materials to be published on social networks. Partners either share them, or create their own. At this point, Hopeland is planning to post: 1 launch post, 3 content-focused posts (out of which 2 are visuals, 1 is a video). Posts can refer to specific experiences.
-Every partner publish a post about the beta-testing at least once a week
-Hopeland will share the app in the ELN network.
It is agreed that all the bugs will be reported to INspire straight away, and that INspire will report them to the IT expert.
INspire mentioned that the app was presented in a recent project. During this project, participants were successfully involved in the creation of additional experiences. This sharing inspired the consortium to reflect on the fact that in the future the users might create their own experiences. In the meantime, the beta testing will show which activities are working, and which are not – that will need to be reworked.
The beta testing phase concludes at the end of August. At the end of this phase, 160 feedbacks will need to be collected.
3. The mobility program, proposed by INspire, was discussed.
– YOUth Connect proposed to include an activity supporting the youth workers to reflect on the needs of young people, as fundamental to recognise the relevance of the app.
– Also, YOUth Connect proposed to include a daily reflection on how the learnings of the day are connected to the contents of the app.
– Hopeland suggested organising the activities of the program following a perspective that goes from the individual to the group activities.
– Finally, it is agreed that the trainer will review the feedback and confirm the definitive program.
4. YOUth Connect presents a proposal for the structure of the webinars.
– Three webinars will be organized by each partner: one for students, one for teachers, one for NGOs. It was mentioned the need to organize the webinar in the national languages, and the parallel need to provide content in English.
– YOUth Connect proposes to include in the webinars the following points: presentation of the project, needs’ analysis, presentation of the app, testimonials of usage, Q&A.
– It was remarked the need of inspiring the target groups to join the webinars. For this reason, it is agreed that the first part of the webinars will be dedicated to the involvement of the target groups in a session that is relevant for them (e.g. about anxiety, resilience, etc), and that the second part of the webinars will be dedicated to the promotion of the app, which is itself identified as a tool to explore the topic that was the focus of the first part of the webinar.
5. Hopeland presents the plan for the publication of the call for participants for the mobility.
– The infopack will be ready to be published by the 9th July. The infopack will contain all the info that are needed by participants to be prepared for the project. All the participants of the mobility needs to have participated in the beta testing. Participants are selected by partners in cooperation with the trainer.
– The first week of September is the deadline for finding the participants. Hopeland will take care of supporting participants in the definition of their travel itineraries and the purchase of the tickets.
6. The meeting concluded with the evaluation. The meeting was evaluated as effective and productive by the consortium, as everybody was well-prepared to discuss the points of the meeting and eager to support and mutual listening. Some concerns emerged about the need of collecting the defined number of feedback by the end of August, due to the short amount of time and the need to find committed users. All the further steps are clear to the consortium.
- 17/6 – Hopeland will provide text of infoletter, application form, and confirmation letter to INspire for feedback
- 24/6 – Hopeland will provide draft of infoletter, application form, and confirmation letter to consortium for feedback
- 30/6 – the consortium will provide a feedback on infoletter
- 8/7 – Hopeland will provide final materials to consortium
- 10/7 – the consortium starts the promotion
- 31/7 – all participants are selected
- first week of September – all participants has tickets (partners responsibility)
- 16th July 2024 – 14.00-15.00 CET
Evaluation managers meeting 8>>
Date: 16.07.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
- Monitoring the use and the collection of feedback on the app.
- Sharing partners’ feedback on the app and agreement on further steps.
- Promo of Hope mobility.
- Evaluation
The meeting started with the presentation of the current use situation of the app in each country, and sharing the plan for involving a higher number of users. YOUth Connect mentioned that at least 20 people are currently using the app; additionally, the team will share the app to the 24 participants of the Youth Exchange “Add to Contact”, that is currently being implemented in Italy on the topic of exploring digital and physical connections. Innovation Education Lab shared that the team is going to promote the app in occasion to weekly event that are going to be implemented in the upcoming weeks. Hopeland shared that 30 people showed their interest in testing the app, out of which 13 people are from Hopeland team; as the promotion has been done online, users are not only Greek, but international; from the following week, the orgnaisation is planning to contact these people reminding them for sharing feedback; finally, Hopeland shared that 3 people did not manage to download the app. INspire shared to be aware of a number of users of the app, and the plan of organising meetings in cafés to guide people to use the app.
At the moment, 4 users filled their feedback (2 ITalians, 2 Greeks).
The discussion continued with a definition of the next steps. Hopeland prepared a video to be posted as promotion of the app. In the further weeks, Hopeland will prepare other posts to be published for the promotion of the app: the posts will introduce the first levels of the experiences, to increase curiosity on downloading the app and discovering the next levels.
Finally, INspire shared with the team that a written report on the process of promotion of the app will be needed, to be attached to the intermediary report.
The meeting continued with a collection on the feedback on the app shared by the partner organisations.
Firstly, it emerged that the app presents some bugs, such as difficulty in downloading and accessing to it; it is agreed that bugs will be reported to INspire, that will share them to the IT expert. It is shared that bugs could be related to the browser that is used to open the app: for this reason, when reporting the bugs, it is important to report also the browser that is used.
Secondly, it emerged unclarity related to the difference between the explorer and classic mode. It is underlined that the idea of the classic mode is to be a space where to find exercises, without being involved in gamification. For this reason, INspire will check with the IT expert whether it is possible to remove the limit of exercises from the classic mode. If this is not possible, due to excessing budget, it is agreed that the classic mode can be removed for the moment.
Thirdly, it is underlined the absence of a button to easily reach the “Choose your path to personal growth” page, where the difference between classic mode and explorer mode is presented, together with the explanation to the calculation of the points. This will be fixed in cooperation with the IT expert.
Subsequently, the team shared how the process of promotion of the Hope mobility is going. The process started, and the first potential participants are applying. The process of selection will start in the next days, and all the participants will be selected within the 31/07.
Finally, the team was engaged in the evaluation process.
Next meeting: 21st August
A3. Discovering the needs
Link to the survey: https://forms.gle/LTHoEZXrqazJPNDP8
Results of the survey: https://www.czechinspire.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/KA2-CHakras-Survey-Analysis_edited.pdf
Infogrpahics: https://www.facebook.com/czechinspire/posts/pfbid026XHatToqqQLaDTGfj7Jn9z2SJ7SwkEs7JXhP8FVZ2KTrTa3ScvvcW3JRDRY8ez7Gl
Booklet “Chakras: Well-being and Stuff”: A collection of non-formal education activities supporting both mental and physical health, and well-being in general. Read here>>
A4. Designing the App
Date: 08.01.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab)
- Arianna Impinna, Giacomo Riccucci (YOUth Connect)
The aim of the meeting was the start of the design of the well-being App. The meeting was coordinated by Vojta, the graphic facilitator was Veronica, Giacomo took the notemaker role and Andreea was the mediator. The meeting was implemented thanks to the support of the Miro platform, on which each national referent collected information about: challenges that the target group of the organization is facing, the needs mentioned by the target group of the organization and a list of potential ideas to be added to the app prototype. Information is collected on the following link: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNCrajG4=/
After all the referents of the organization shared the challenges they found in their local target group(s), Veronica created a summary of the most mentioned challenges. The outcome of this process was an overview of the challenges that are shared by young people living in the 4 countries involved in the project. A list of summarized challenges can be found below:
- lack of discipline and proactivity
- lack of/ difficult in planning long term goals and purposes
- lack of emotional intelligence tools for expression
- lack of balance between work/school and personal time
- lack of self-care (education and habit towards it, time for it etc.)
- lack of community and support form peers, lack of trust and risk of addictions
- disconnection form ICTs
- fear/ lack of acceptance of failure or change
- lack of trust and self-confidence
After the challenges, the organization presented the analysed needs. Starting from INspire, all the participants of the meeting summarised the list of the needs mentioned in the section. As before, thanks to the graphic facilitator, we could successfully summarize all the information collected by the different organizations in a single list containing the main shared needs:
- to practice regular self-care (including exercise and body work)
- emotional RULER and tool for emotions education and awarness
- communication skills (non-violent communication, how to communicate needs and feelings, empathize with the needs of others)
- to cultivate meaningful community
- tools to set and plan goals (short or long term)
- tools for increasing self-confidence, self-trust
- re-education towards values or core believes/ behaviours (to reduce society pressure, fear of failure, fear of change)
- tools for time management
- exploring different ways for self-expression
- tools self-acceptance and promoting a positive self-image
- to learn how to put limitis and personal boarders
Then, after the collection of challenges and needs was completed, Vojta guided the group to the next activity based on the “Golden Circle” approach. Talking in turns, all the people shared the WHY that leads, according to them, to the structure the App:
Arianna -> to create a container, that is a space where to find diverse self-care tools, not therefore needing to open many different apps;
Veronica -> to apply nonformal education for the creation of a self-care app, putting together diverse activities that young people needs;
Andreea -> to share something tested by professional workers, to share a collection of workshop that could be done alone or in a group, to propose a tool to respond to specific needs;
Vojta -> to cover more topics with one App, specifically 7 areas of the life;
Giacomo -> to get an app for the youth workers and for the people who attended the projects, to be used in the follow-up as a support and sustainabile system.
Finally, the team reached a common vision: “We need an app able to bring an innovative perspective and tools towards wellbeing for youth, that would be holistic and support youth in building their own path.”
Holistic is the word to describe the final VISION of the team.
After getting the vision, the team found the GOAL of the app: To provide people a map of wellbeing.
The goal was destructured in three different objectives:
- To identify and propose a set/kit of relevant activities from non-formal education that are user-friendly and possible to be implemented individually;
- To identify and propose a set/kit of relevant activities from non-formal education that are user-friendly and possible to be implemented in group;
It was agreed that the previous list may be re-evaluated if needed.
The last operative part of the meeting was focused on the sharing of the potential ideas to be added as content of the app. All the participants shared their proposals and then, after a voting session in which each participant had 3 points to allocate to 3 specific ideas, the following idea got the higher vote:
Chakras activities for improving your wellbeing -> Presentation at the beginning with the chakras and the connections, Throat Chakra – communication, and self-expression, Crown Chakra – higher goals and setting objectives, etc. and for each of them to have challenges/ small tasks, activities that can be done alone or in a group.
The team will discuss in future meeting how to prototype this idea.
To conclude, the evaluation was performed. The participants described the meeting as highly efficient, especially because the team was very focused on the activities and every member cooperated effectively: actively sharing, listening and proposing. It was mentioned that working with the flow is in general appreciated, as well as more action rather than presentations. Some obstacles appeared, specifically due to the format of the meeting:
- it was mentioned that it is a bit hard to brainstorm online;
- it was shared that objectives definition has been too wide and confused, it would have been useful to clarify among us what is an objective;
- due to time-management, some difficulties were faced to accomplish all the meeting tasks, for the next meeting it was proposed to decrease the number of tasks, giving more working time for each task.
Next meeting -> 15th of January – on Slack.
The meeting set for the 22th January is postponed to the 24th January.
Date: 15.01.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab) –
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
The aim of the meeting was the continuation of the design process of the well-being App. The meeting started with an update regarding the project management, which underlined the following points:
- the survey is ready to be given to proofreading;
- Veronica will check with the graphic designer about the possibility to edit the infographic according to the feedback: less text is suggested, the use of Chakras colours is suggested.
- the midterm report is ready; Vojta will ask for feedback from the partners in the following days.
- Vojta shared an information concerning a slight change to the budget, every organisation is reminded to give a feedback;
- the graphics of the booklets are about to be finalised; once completed, Vojta will ask to check the contents; after that, he will send it to the proofreader.
The meeting continued with a sharing of the vision that each partner has in reference to the app. Each member of the team shared what was in his/her imagination, thinking about opening the app.
Arianna shared two visions for the homepage of the app. The first one is the image of a human body that contains all the chakras in a vertical line; clicking each chakra, the user can easily understand what the chakra refers to (e.g. throat chakra represents communication); from this image, the user can choose which area he/she wants to develop in that specific session of usage of the app. The second vision represents a more schematic homepage, where indications like “Communication activities”, “Emotions activities” can be clicked.
Andreea shared that, opening the app, she imagines an opening text that serves as a guide for her. She mentioned that when she is using an app, she often needs the guide. An example of text could be “Today, my communication level is…”, followed by the possibility to rate it with stars. This would support the identification of what to focus on during the day.
Veronica shared the following images:
- opening the app, she can create a moving avatar to represent herself;
- the possibility of noting every time she opens the app how she feels, what she feels, what she thinks could help her;
- having different areas for each chakra; by opening each area, she can set specific goals for each area, and there are a series of activities for each area;
- the opportunity to build and take note of her routine;
- At the end of each week, a self-reflection tool is available: what did you achieve, what you missed and why)? From this, there is the possibility to go back to the previous records;
- there is always have the possibility to return to the main home, to take parallel actions;
- the presence of a community and/or a buddy to share things with;
- there are group challenges.
Vojta shared that he would add a game inside the app, as a motivation factor. Every area of the game focuses on one of the chakras topics, as a map with narration behind. Easy challenges are present. There is the possibility to evaluate the progression rate, and the chance to step out of the game when needed. Through the game, people can collaborate online. Each user has an avatar through which he/she can play. Vojta mentioned the awareness that youth workers might need the content of the activities, other than the gamification part.
Further comments:
- Ari mentioned she is supporting the idea of having a general diary in the app + a specific diary/reporting tool in each chakra’s zone.
- Andreea mentioned the possibility of adding a button channel to the community.
- Andreea underlined the potential need to download the material in a detailed version.
- Veronica approved the gamification idea, and supported the power of the diary. She mentioned not being sure whether the app should be fully gamified or not.
- Andreea mentioned that activities could be proportional with the level of the challenge.
- Vojta suggested the opportunity for users to choose multiple paths; challenges could be working, but it is important to let the users be free enough.
Subsequently, the consortium agrees at a common vision for the app:
- opening the app, two buttons would appear. The first one leads to individual experience; the second one leads to the game.
- inside the game, 3 areas are present:
- avatar area: it contains the profile of the users and info about the data development.
- diary: it is an opportunity for constant self-reflection.
- map through which the user can choose the challenge: the context still needs to be defined, meaning that the areas are not necessarily named as the chakras; challenges are aligned with the chakras.
Finally, the evaluation of the meeting took place through a Google Form shared by Arianna. The evaluation showed that what was working in the meeting was the space that was given to brainstorming; open questions were useful to support the flow. It was perceived a lack of visual support, a visual space where to collect ideas would have been supportive and useful to maintain the focus – which was shared as sometimes hard to be kept during online open brainstorming.
As mediator, Andreea shared that she perceived the flow of the meeting slower than the previous one.
- -to do the wireframe: defining how the map would look like, defining how the personal journal would look like (e.g. pop-ups? text? possibility for drawing? it would be interesting to find a way that supports different expressions of reflection), defining how the avatar would look like.
Date: 24.01.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab) –
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
The aim of the meeting was the continuation of the design process of the well-being App.
The first part of the meeting was dedicated to the update on the IT expert’s feedback.
Andreea informed the partnership that she met one IT expert, who will potentially cooperate with the partnership for the realisation of the app. The IT expert shared that the plan of the app that the partnership developed till now does not seem to be supporting the attention span of young people. He suggested 2 solutions that would enhance the interest of young people:
- the introduction of a AI that ensures a conversation based on how the person is feeling;
- the usage of a website instead of an app; in this case, it would not be possible to get notifications to the phone: notifications would need to be sent via mail.
Concerning budget, the IT expert shared that with the given budget he can deliver the result, but not ensure high quality; a higher quality would need additional 5000€. Also, the addition of AI would cost a specific amount per message: if this solution is chosen, the idea would be to buy a certain amount of messages, setting a multiple-year plan.
The comments of the partnership, related to the feedback shared by the IT expert, are the following:
- In order to inspire young people to use the app, we could promote it during local and international youth activities; the risk here is that, after the conclusion of the activity/project, people may forget about it.
- The sustainability of the AI solution is worrying the partnership.
- The website could be used with the phone by downloading a specific app that eases the opening of websites with a phone-friendly graphic; however, the missing possibility of receiving notifications to the phone is worrying, as pushing notifications are directly connected to the actual structure of the app. A potential replacement to notifications could be a link to Google Calendar.
Another proposal from an IT expert is planned to come within 30/01. In the meantime, Andreea and Vojta will contact other IT experts to check out the possibility to have notifications from the website.
The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the planning of the next tasks, that is the development of the app’s experiences and challenges. The idea is that every challenge will be structured in 10 levels; the user should repeat every level for 3 days; after that period, the user can move to the following level, which is always a bit harder; every level will be self-evaluated by the user as easy/medium/hard.
Within the 30th January, every partner will have the task to develop the content of 2 experiences. The description of each content should be short and action-based. To support the realisation of the description, Czech Inspire will create a template and share an example in the Drive.
The agreed experiences are the following:
- INspire z. s. -> cold exposure, emotional intelligence
- Hopeland -> meditation, stretching
- Innovation Education Lab -> relationship with the others, creativity
- YOUth Connect -> communication, gratitude
Next meeting will be the 31th January: during this meeting, project partners will share feedback on the realised content, and agree about 10 challenges to be created for each experience.
The third part of the meeting was dedicated to an update on project management. The following updates are shared:
- The infographic is ready and approved by all the partners;
- The survey was given to proofreading; INspire z. s. will edit the survey according to the received comments;
- On Monday 29/1 the infographic, leading to the survey, will be ready to be published by all partner organisations. Hopeland will provide the text to be added to the post.
- The deadline to check and fill out the template for the intermediate report is approaching.
The fourth part of the meeting was dedicated to the evaluation of the meeting.
- What was working for the partnership was the clear division of tasks, combined to the insurance that everybody understood each point; also, the adaptability of the partnership was appreciated.
- What was shared as an obstacle to the process was the feedback from the IT expert, which requires a potential change of plan; also, it was shared a feeling to be stuck in the process due to external factors (e.g. the budget, IT possibilities).
Agreed Deadlines:
- Monday 29/1: Infographic and survey ready to be published.
- Tuesday 30/1: Content of 2 experiences uploaded on the Drive by each partner.
- Tuesday 30/1: Second feedback from IT specialist.
- 31th January: Next app-development meeting.
Date: 31.01.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 16:00
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab) –
- Arianna Impinna (YOUth Connect)
The meeting started with a recap of the administration tasks. Vojta presented the to-do list, sharing reminders on the tasks and deadlines:
- the booklet is ready to be sent to proofreading;
- the affidavit has been checked;
- the intermediary report needs still to be checked (deadline 7.2);
- the infographics of the survey will be published on 7th February;
- the reports on national activities have been completed.
Following, Andreea and Vojta shared the outcomes of the meeting with the IT expert. The cooperation is smooth, but he has never worked with Erasmus+ before. He confirmed the possibility to add push notification, meaning that the development of the app can proceed according to the original plan. The app will be created through a website, from which it can be downloaded to the phone.
Vojta will be responsible for providing the IT expert with the wireframes to the IT expert; all the consortium will create the contents. Each partner will create 12 experiences for the app.
The next step of the meeting was the sharing of feedback on the already drafted experiences.
Arianna suggested the need of placing the same amount of levels in each experience; also, she shared the need of a common headline in the resources (e.g. concerning time and material); overall, she shared the need of simplify every text.
Andreea shared the need of clarifying each topic: e.g. the topic of connection sees too wide, and it needs to be specified; she suggested to decrease the amount of levels, to prevent people to get bored;
Veronia shared a perceived difficulty of working on too wide topics, in line with what Andreea shared; also, she shared her concern of giving suggestions on yoga, or stretching, as they might be sensitive topics connected to personal body needs;
Vojta answered the concern of working on sensitive topics by suggesting the creation of experiences where people are free to find the methods and techniques that are mostly working for them; also, he underlined that we are not aiming of guiding young people to become masters of one topics, we are focusing on the development of habits, on “becoming experts of doing it all the time”; from this perspective it’s not important what people do, but how long they do it. For example, we might suggest a proper research on different types of stretching and what is working best.
The following common agreements were taken:
- Every level is designed to happen for 3 days.
- The last experience is open for the future: it is promise that allows the users to keep the habits for the daily routine.
Following, the partnership agreed to define in cooperation the main categories for the experiences. Vojta created a frame presenting categories and subcategories. The frame will be filled with the experiences created by each partner. After their development, the experiences will be sent to proofreading.
The final part of the meeting was dedicated to evaluation. The meeting was very useful to clarify some key points on the development of the app and the experiences. What worked most was the common agreement on the categories. Cooperation and communication were effective in the meeting, and listening to each others’ needs was supportive to the achievement of our common goal.
- Check of the intermediary report: 7/2
- Social post on infographic: 7/2
- Sign of the affidative: 7/2
- Fill out of the 10 challenges: 14/2
Date: 8.04.2024 – 14:00 CET
Time: 14:00 – 14:30
Location: Online – Slack
- Vojtěch Žák (INspire, z. s.)
- Maria Veronica Spagna (Hopeland)
- Andreea Haratau (Innovation Education Lab) –
- Giacommo Riccucci (YOUth Connect)
- Review of IT development process
- Info on upcoming Youth Workers mobility in Greece
- Brainstorming on dissemination plan for the betatesting of App
- Q&A
- Evaluation & Agreements on the next meeting
- Vojta (INspire) to prepare a guideline for dissemination of betatesting
- Veronica (Hopeland) to prepare a plan for Youth Workers activity – to be discussed on the next meeting. She is to cooperate with YOUth Connect which is responsible for webinars after the activity
- Vojta (INspire) to deliver a timesheet for recording hours youth workers spend on development of App
Next deadlines
- next meeting on 7/5/2024, 14:00
- 22/4/2024 – beginning of the betatesting
The App