
Training Course on embracing one’s Shadow

When: autumn 2025

Where: Statek Habří, Czech republic 

For whom: 24 youth workers (6 partner organisations)

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

— Carl Jung,
“Psychology and Alchemy”


Main info

underWorld is an experiential learning program, training course, focused on letting youth workers to:

  • discover their shadow, embrace it and use it to their advantage
  • boost their self-care and confidence
  • support their coaching & mentoring skills
  • strengthen their self-management
  • teach them basics of new methods, specifically:
    • Disconnection from ICT
    • Storytelling
    • Basic somatic techniques
    • Psychodrama

VISION: Embracing the shadow
GOAL: Teach youth workers strategies on embracing their shadow side and facilitating the same experience for others

O1: Establish a safe space in which youth workers (including youth workers with fewer opportunities) can learn together
O2: Let youth worker experience and practice following methods: systemic work, body movement, storytelling, psychodrama, disconnection from ICT
O3: Boost youth workers well-being, resilience, and empathy
O4: Disseminate the learning

Do you want to be a partner?

We are seeking partners interested any of the following topics:

  • eduLarps
  • body movement
  • theater
  • ecology & sustainability
  • mental health & well-being
  • you will provide 3 youth workers
  • you will run short survey among your youth workers in the planning period
  • you will fill in our partners form
  • you will provide us with the PIF
  • you will support the dissemination and evaluation process
  • We are collecting a participation fee of 50 euros. This fee will be send to you as a sending organisation (we are not keeping it)
  • We are going to send you the organisation support money, 100 e per person, (if you will fulfil all your duties), as we will specify in IPA
  • Do you have other needs? Tell us, we will be happy to discover how to make this experience meaningful for your organisation!
  • in-house workshop for partner organisation (organised by you)
  • workshop for youth (organised by participants)
  • eBook of used activities (developed by us)
  • photos & videos dissemination


write us on info@czechinspire.eu

Project's Team

vojta zak

Vojtěch Žák

Project supervisor

I am a trainer, facilitator, coach, storyteller, and writer.

The main topics I am focused on are the labor market, social inclusion (mainly of the LGBT+ spectrum), and personal development. The main methods I use are storytelling, coaching, systemic work, body movement, art, gamification, and LARP.

I went from a career as a journalist and marketing specialist to becoming a coach, facilitator, and trainer. I have worked for 6 years as a scout leader and later participated in the EVS program at Olde Vechte Foundation in the Netherlands. 

Veronica Spagna


I have been working as a project manager and writer in the International Cooperation and European programs field. I have experiences in facilitating activities with young people, in formal and informal education about human rights, sustainable development and social inclusion using non-formal educational methods like embodiment, dance, arts and crafting. Creative and proactive, always a dancing step forward.