Field trip challenges

Field trip challenges from Muses, project in Greece:

Personal challenges

Dear butterfly
this is your moment.
What have you learned about yourself up until know? Do you have more clarity about what it means to have a meaningful connection? Any ideas about how it is created?
Let’s find out.
There is number of strangers in Napflio. People you don’t know. Get connected.
Create a meaningful connection with 2 people you didn’t know before.

Reflection groups’ challenges

  1. Ask a person about their childhood story and try to find out what is the story that changed their life.
  2. Ask a very old person about story of their life.
  3. Go to some public place, library, police station, school, etc., and ask people there what is worrying them at the moment.
  1. Find a story about sea.
  2. Ask a very young mother about the story of her relationship.
  3. Gather a story from an illness.
  1. Go to some public place, library, police station, school, etc. and ask people about their dreams.
  2. Find somebody who wasn’t born in Greece and is living here now and discover the story behind it.
  3. Ask a working-class person about the story of their pet and family.
  1. Find an interesting story about intimate sexual life..
  2. Find a hilarious story about the dinner.
  3. Ask a person about a story that brings them laughter every time they remember.
  1. Ask a very old person about the story of their love.
  2. Find a story about the death.
  3. Find a story of inclusion from a person who you wouldn’t ask.
  1. Ask a young person about their dreams and worries.
  2. Ask a very old person about their favorite story and favorite song.
  3. Ask a person what is the most amazing story they have heard from someone else.
  1. Find a story about an object.
  2. Find a story about a struggle.
  3. Ask a young person about their dreams and worries.
  1. Go to the coffee bar and find some family story.
  2. Find a young person and ask about a happy story.
  3. Find an old person and ask about their career story.

If possible, document your journey. Make a video/picture/text you can share in Muses Fb group.
And don’t forget to mention you are on an Erasmus+ project 😉

