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31 yo, son of a Saxon king Claudas of Benoic who lost his kingdom. During the war, you sought support in Ireland but had been refused. Even though you are not the knight of the Round Table, you joined the Quest of the Holy Grail out of your own will. 

Even though your father had been pagan, he sent you to the temple where they were raising you as a good Christian (but also teaching you to fight).

“Is funny how people are showing their love.  By wealth and power. Is it the only way how I can win their love? By being wealthy and powerful? Am I so naive to think that a loving embrace does much more than a pile of gold? Probably I am.”

Your grandfather ruled the whole kingdom of Benoic, but Uther Pendragon took more than half of his land. Your father Claudas took it back, killed the king Ban of Benoic, and married his wife, your mother. She died while giving you birth. 

You were growing up with Mordred, who was 2 years older than you. His mother was Morgana, the witch, but he told you that his father is king Arthur. He was very proud of that. He was repeating it also to your older siblings: Claudas’ son Doris, and your half-brothers Bors and Lionel. You remember they were mocking and beating Mordred a lot and you didn’t like it. Once, when they were throwing rotten fruits at him, Mordred told them: “How can you take side with a son of a man who killed your father?” Bors and Lionel started to fight with Doris, and when Bors was holding Doris down, Lionel smashed Doris’ head with a bust. You saw it. Mordred told your father he didn’t recognize which brother did it. You said the same because you were doing everything that Mordred was doing. Your father went insane. He sent Mordred away and you to the monastery to be trained by battle monks. You were 9 years old. 

Your teacher had been priest Patrick. He taught you to fight and to love Christ. When you had been 24 years old, you had become a teacher of a new boy coming to the temple – Galahad. What a great kid. Not very popular in the temple because of its religious zeal. Especially scribe Eivyn kept mocking him all the time.  

But then King Arthur went to war with your father. You traveled back to Benoic. Claudas praised you highly. He was sorry that he sent you away for such a long time. And he was impressed by your skill with the sword. Good. You wanted to impress him. You killed many enemies. But still, you were losing the war. So Claudas sent you to Ireland to get an alliance with the Irish king and Patrick traveled with you. You asked to marry the daughter of the Irish king, Isolde, just a few years younger than you. You fell in love with her quickly. But within one month, it was clear the war was lost. Desperate, you sneaked into Isolde’s bed and spent a night with her. Soon after, the Irish king canceled the engagement and chased you out of the country. Patrick stayed. 

Your father traveled to Rome to get allies and you returned to the Monastery, but when the Quest of the Holy Grail started, you felt the urge to join. Your father was in Rome to seek new alliances. On your journey, you met Bors accompanied by Aoife, maid of queen Guinevere, who was ordered to bring Lionel, the new king of Benoic, to court.  Bors was bitter because he didn’t get any share of the kingdom and made an offer to you – if you will help him to kill his brother Lionel, he will give you part of the kingdom. Aoife was to lure Lionel into the trap. You agreed and provided money to hire vagabonds led by Meliodas but it didn’t work out as expected. Lionel escaped. 

But then your father returned and took you to the Camelot. He got support from Rome. Either Arthur will give him back his kingdom, or he will start the war backed by Rome’s power. He said he is doing it just for you. That he is dying but you are his successor. 

There is also Isolde at the court and you still love her. You should persuade her to marry you. And there is also Mordred. Maybe you can reunite with your old friend. And there is also Patrik. Maybe he can help you with getting Isolde. Finally, there are also Bors and Lionel. You don’t seek war and maybe, if you will make an agreement with one or another to give you back part of Benoic, all can end up well. 

Claudas: It was hard for you when your father sent you away. The way how he praised you in the war with Arthur – it meant the world to you. And it was horrible when you failed him and didn’t get the support of the Irish king. You simply want his love and make him proud. 

Mordred: he was your childhood friend and your idol. But a lot of time has passed since then. You wonder what it will be like to reunite with him. 

Morgana: she is terrifying but both your father and Mordred adore her. 

Patrick: he was a father, friend, and teacher to you. Now he is your mentor. He will always give you good advice and tell you what you should do. 

Galahad: you think you are to him what Patrick was to you. You wish nothing but happiness for that boy. 

Isolde: you think you love her and you regret terribly your marriage was canceled. Maybe you can get her back this time. 

Bors: at first he seemed to be really nice and religious and you were happy Galahad had such a great companion. But now, you are not sure anymore. Even though you accepted his offer to take down Lionel, you are afraid of the bad influence this man can have on Galahad. 

Lionel: he is the one who killed Doris, your brother, you know it. But he was a kid. You can make peace with him. 

It was painful for you to be sent away from home. It was sweeter than grapes to be cherished by your father. You would do anything to make him happy. You would do anything to be loved. But you have no need for fighting. 

See the Political map to understand the context. 


  1. Isolde is not lost to you. Go to speak with her. Ask her to marry you. Maybe you should talk also to Tristan. Does he even know about you and Isolde? 
  2. You need to get back at least part of the Benoic. See with whom you can make a deal. Arthur? Mordred? Bors? Or Lionel? You could tell him about his brother’s betrayal, no? 
  3. Speak with Galahad and see how you can support him. Ask him about Bors. Maybe you should protect him from Bors. 
  4. Meet with Mordred. He was your friend. It would be nice if you could be his friend again.